From Us To You!

We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind our mission to provide a lifeline to the tiniest and most vulnerable members of our community. 


To our dedicated milk donors, you are the heart and soul of our organization. Your selfless act of sharing your precious liquid gold has provided nourishment, hope, and healing to countless infants in our local NICUs. Your kindness and compassion are a beacon of light for families in their darkest hours, and we are endlessly grateful for your incredible generosity.


To our financial donors, your generosity has allowed us to continue our vital work, ensuring that every precious drop of liquid gold reaches the babies who need it most. Your contributions have been instrumental in sustaining our mission, and we are profoundly thankful for your commitment to our cause.


To all our supporters, whether you've volunteered your time, shared our mission with others, or offered words of encouragement, your contributions have not gone unnoticed. Your collective efforts have created a ripple effect of positivity that has touched the lives of countless families.


As we reflect on the incredible impact we've made together, we are filled with hope and determination for the future. With your continued support, we will strive to reach even greater heights, ensuring that every baby has the opportunity to thrive.


Once again, thank you from the depths of our hearts. Your kindness and generosity have made all the difference, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.


With gratitude,

The New York Milk Bank Team


Donate Your Stash!

The New York Milk Bank is actively looking for eligible milk donors. If you have an oversupply of breast milk and would like to support sick babies, begin the process by clicking here.


Motorcycle Milk Delivery to NYMB!


Thanks to NYMB Milk Riders Deb Spell and Wendy Schneck Kennedy for collecting and delivering precious liquid gold from NYMB Donor Bryanna and her baby Calvin, directly to our doorstep!


The Sirens Women’s Motorcycle Club of NYC are the founding members of our Milk Riders. NYMB Milk Riders pick up and deliver donor milk to babies and hospitals in an emergency. They also pick up milk from our donors and depots.


Interested in volunteering? Please send us a message! You do not have to own a bike to pick up and deliver milk or be a member of the Sirens. Inquire here!


ED Linda's Podcast Spotlight: Elevating Awareness for Our Milk Bank

Tune in to the Philanthropy In Phocus Podcast hosted by Tommy DiMisa and catch up with our Executive Director, Linda, as she shares her inspiring professional journey that led her to the helm of NYMB. Discover the origins of our milk bank and the crucial importance of our mission. Listen to the full interview here!


Babies Thriving

Thank you to generous NYMB Donor Gabby and adorable baby boy Apollo! Your donation of liquid gold will help babies thrive!

We've discovered that sharing the stories of our milk donors often inspires others to contribute. Don't hesitate to share your own milk donation story! Please send an email here.


NYMB Spotlight

Check out NYMB intern, Elisa, working diligently in our freezer! We had her on loan from Hunter College throughout the summer. Wishing her a successful school year ahead! 


Support Our Amazon Wish List To Help Families

Join us in making a meaningful impact on new families as they embark on their lactation journey. Together, we can provide essential items such as replacement breast pump tubing, nasal aspirators, and breastfeeding support pillows for their precious little ones this fall.


Let's stand behind these deserving mothers and enhance their breastfeeding experience in motherhood.


Check out the full wish list here!


Shop and Represent NYMB

View our online shop and support our mission to provide donor breast milk to sick babies so they can survive and thrive!


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Donate Milk 


Receive Milk 


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