January is often a time of reflection, and a new year offers new beginnings. Throughout January we have been focused on our theme of SETTING INTENTIONS. An intention is a personal commitment from YOU to YOU - how do you want to BE/become? Setting intentions requires a great deal of self-awareness. We started with mapping your journey, then explored expectations and open-mindedness, and rounded out with moving from survival to thrival.


At Courage to Caregivers we know the holidays can be rough for caregivers, and we held space for meeting caregivers daily throughout December. We had 18 caregivers show up for a total of 35 times. We discussed all kinds of topics, including acceptance, letting go of traditional holiday expectations, creating new holiday traditions, facing challenges with gratitude, finding hope, connection, communicating with family, and holiday self-care, to name a few! 


If you found extra challenges during the holidays - you aren't alone. So as we headed into a new year, it may have felt extra hard to find the energy to look ahead at the fresh-start feeling that a new year offers. 


Last year my intention for 2023 was to focus more on BEING than DOING. There are days when I am consumed by a never-ending to-do list that, honestly, won't ever be completed. Since the holidays were a lot of extra for me - my intention for 2024 is to find ME again. I've been here before - fatigued, exhausted, depleted as an unpaid family caregiver. I know what to do - and how to do it - I've done it all before. It's fall down seven times - get up eight. I CAN do hard things and have survived the hardest days I've seen so far. I also know that the waves don't stop - they keep coming - so, if I don't stand up - I'll be hit by the next wave that comes my way. If you've faced any kind of extra recently, I know you can stand up again, too. 


Here are 5 tools for setting intentions in 2024:

  1. Start with mindfulness and come as you ARE. With a focus on inner peace, notice and connect with the most authentic version of yourself - with intention
  2. Next, what's most important to you - what are your core values? And leverage your strengths! 
  3. Then, remember, YOU are the designer of your own life. Who do you want to BE/become? What do you want more of? 
  4. Cultivate the power of intentional thinking - your mindset matters - how will you show up in 2024 for YOU? 
  5. Practice self-compassion as you plan for obstacles - be gentle with yourself - I have confidence you're doing the best you can in this moment with what you have. Focus on progress, not perfection.


January is also National Mental Wellness Month. As you know, we're ALL about caregiver burnout prevention - it's our WHY and what we do. Our programs focus on the mental health, wellness and well-being of unpaid family caregivers. It's all about protecting your mental wellness as you face daily challenges.


Our curriculum uses SAMHSA's 8 dimensions of wellness and Driven's 6 domains of resilience. Through our work we also support professional caregivers to provide tools as they support unpaid family caregivers in their care.  


As we embrace mental wellness TOGETHER - we found an excellent Compassion Resilience Toolkit for Caregivers from WISE End Stigma Together. 

“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”

~ Rumi

Use affirmations to inspire you or reframe your thoughts

  • I am always learning new things about myself

  • I am proud of how far I have come

  • I am grateful for everyone who has supported my growth

  • I stay open-minded about the world around me


  • Coach.me - This app allows you to track your habits and set targets and reminders for your goals. When you reach certain milestones, you can get “high-fives” from your friends and the coach.me community.

  • Habitica - This app motivates you to get things done while having fun through games. Whether it be habits and goals, health and fitness, school and work, Habitica can help you out!

  • Lifetick - This browser app allows you to create SMART goals that relate to your core values. Additionally, you can keep a journal and chart your progress!






Join us on Thursday, February 29 at 7:00 p.m. ET for our next Fireside Chat in our Caregiver Essentials series. Our Director of Programs, Jenny Woodworth, LISW, will moderate a conversation with Courage to Caregivers Board Fellow, Dr. Marissa Edmiston, Noninvasive Cardiologist and Medical Director of the Cardiology Telemetry Unit - MetroHealth Medical Center, and Dr. Elliane Irani, PhD, MBE, RN, Assistant Professor, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University. 


In honor of American Heart Health Month in February, we'll be discussing the panelists' shared passion for heart health of female caregivers. 


Submit your questions for our panelists in advance to Jenny@CouragetoCaregivers.org


Join us LIVE on our YouTube Channel


Amy Zell is an Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services Certified Family Peer Supporter and NAMI Ohio Trainer for this program. Amy is our newest Family Peer Support Specialist for Courage to Caregivers as well as a Group Coaching (Support Group) Leader. Working here gives Amy the opportunity to help people who dedicate their lives to helping others. Read more about Amy here. 


Reese is our Social Work Graduate Intern this semester. Her projects include: expanding our Family Peer Support resources, and co-facilitating our newest group coaching group! Reese is both a full-time student at the University of South Carolina at Beaufort and a full-time Program Administrator for the South Carolina Youth Advocate program.  Read more about Reese here. 

February's book club discussion will be on Friday, February 23 at 11 am ET via Zoom. We'll be discussing Kristin Neff's Fierce Self-CompassionGrab it from your library or listen to the audiobook on the Libby app! "If tender self-compassion is metaphorically like a parent soothing his crying child, fierce self-compassion is like Momma Bear who ferociously protects her cubs when threatened, or catches fish to feed them, or moves them to a new territory with better resources. Just as tenderness can be turned inward so that we nurture and care for ourselves, the fierce energy of Momma Bear can also be turned inward to stand up for ourselves. What’s essential is that like yin and yang, these two faces of self-compassion are balanced and integrated so that we can be whole. When both are present, it creates a caring force that can be used to transform ourselves and the world around us." Mark your calendar for February 23 - here's the link!

February’s theme is SELF-DISCOVERY - it's about getting to know yourself - it's all about finding YOU. Throughout February we will savor moments of self-discovery by finding joy, looking at our strengths and cultivating a practice of self-compassion. As we continue on the journey of discovering our true selves, setting micro-goals will guide us. With micro-goals, it’s easier to take the next right step - as Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.” Check out February's Micro-Challenges Calendar.

Courage to Caregivers Breathing Practice for February: Laughter Breathing

As we support caregivers to make breathing and meditation a practice, we're pleased to share our Breathing Meditation Facilitator Cathy and her monthly breathing practice how-to videos. You can join us for February's Breathing Practice: Laughter Breathing. With this practice, we will let ourselves find joy through laughing from deep within our bellies. This is a great breath for when you need a fun pick-me-up. You can watch the instructional video for Laughter Breathing here and remember to subscribe to our 2024 Monthly Breathing Practices playlist to stay updated each month.You can also subscribe to our Breathing Meditation playlistwhere we upload our weekly breathing meditation recordings, and follow along on our Spotify Breathing Meditation playlist. 

The mission of Courage to Caregivers is to provide hope, support, and courage to caregivers and loved ones of those living with mental illness. We're in the caregiver burnout prevention business!


©2024 Courage to Caregivers, Inc.